Friday, December 12, 2008

Regarding Ch 05...

I had thought I would post something longer and bigger for Chapter 5, reaching something of a minor conclusion because five is a nice, round number. (Sorta.) Then I realized that I had 5,000 words and still wanted to go further before wrapping things up. I decided to scale it back to the much more easily consumed 2,500 words and post now.

So, it is a good time to ask... is the length for each installment good?

Any other thoughts?

Anyway, I'm trying to steer things back in the direction of my first chapter, because I got some good feedback on that and none since. There were some good points made. I feel I've indulged my imagination a lot but let the writing suffer, moving quickly through things I should take more time to describe. And some other content stuff. I meet few of those goals with Chapter 5, however.

Anyway, let me know what you think.


  1. Personally I don't think much needs to be changed outside of the length. The story is fun and just far enough off the beaten DnD path to be better than half the books I sell. Also I think making a PDF of the first 5 is a good idea, I did it so I could read it more like a novel. The length is a two bite situation, it's just a hair too long, though I think it might have to do with the font use which is huge, again why I moved it to a PDF.

    When are you getting you Gmail account?


  2. I'll work with the font size.

    Does clicking through the installments work, or do you really need a larger chunk to read in a single sitting?

    I've got a gmail account set up, but I'm not migrating my hotmail address book, since there is so much shit in there. Case in point: I'm not sure which email is your current one.

    My new address is the old address, instead of Send me an email so I can log your new address.
